Emailing Professors for Research

Use this template to reach out to professors at UT or any other universities (yes, this actually works!!). Feel free to modify the template however you want! If you are really interested in a professor’s research, you can skim their papers and add what you found interesting about them. Reaching out to graduate students also works if the professor doesn’t reply immediately. Also, don’t be afraid to follow up if they don’t reply within a week!

Possible Subject Lines

  • Interested in learning more about available summer/fall research opportunities at the LAB_NAME lab
  • Interested in discussing possible summer research opportunities

Email Body


My name is NAME, and I’m currently a YEAR undergraduate majoring in MAJOR at UT Austin. I came across your website, and I’m extremely intrigued by your research in FIELD! I have previous experience in RELATED_FIELD, and I have experience working on PROJECTS. Additionally, after reading your recent paper(s), PAPER_TITLE, I wanted to learn more about RESEARCH_TOPIC. I’m passionate about FIELD and I believe the research your lab does closely aligns with my interests! I would be interested in learning more about your research and any possible opportunities to work with your lab this summer/ fall.

Optional: You can find further information regarding my educational background, skills, courses in my resume and transcript attached below.

Please let me know if you need any additional information from me. Looking forward to hearing from you!
